Angelic Reiki Levels 3 and 4
Time is TBD
|Location is TBD

Time & Location
Time is TBD
Location is TBD
About the event
The purpose of the workshop is to initiate the participant into the Master energy of this system. This is an invitation to the on-going process of self-mastery, not a teaching qualification.
This will happen in the most perfect way for each participant.
The name Reiki Master has been sometimes misunderstood. In Angelic Reiki we take our guidance from the Ancient Wisdom and to receive an attunement into Master energy is first and foremost a personal process. Your Soul has guided you to a place where you can receive the energetic tool in order to accept your own Mastership, accepting that this manifested reality is your creation.
Our world is a great playground and these attunements are not about being good or spiritually perfect, a ready judgment that Humans make, they are about accepting and recognising that we are each totally the creator of our lives and accepting this Mastership with the personal responsibility and self-awareness that this entails. This workshop opens the door to leaving behind all victimhood and sense of living life as a result of some external effect.
In Angelic Reiki, the 3&4 Masters workshop is not the teacher qualification. It is a stepping stone along our personal spiritual path. It will awaken spiritual talents, and everyone will use this energy in their own unique way.
One may find that work colleagues and friends seek advice where they didn’t before; inspirational writing and poetry may start to flow; and life may start to unfold in a new way.
This workshop is a gift for anyone who wants to merge more deeply with the Angelic Kingdom.
Archangel Metatron always said that Angelic Reiki was the healing of our time, and its purpose is to support everyone who seeks guidance on their own spiritual path. We are all on the path to integrating and realising the truth that we are creator beings, that we are masters of this reality.
This workshop provides the tools to merge with one’s Soul energy and fulfil one’s purpose on Earth.
The deep and profound attunements and healings experienced in this workshop provide one of the most powerful experiences for those seeking change.
Many people have experienced their life’s purpose unfold after receiving these attunements.
Whatever is your Dharma, it is unique to you, and it will be awoken and supported.
This workshop will include:
-Review of the nature of Angelic Energy and Archangels
-Grounding and the Feeling Body Meditation
-Cleansing and attunement to Angelic Reiki 3rd Degree
-Cleansing, entity release and attunement to Angelic Reiki 4th Degree
-Angelic Ray Attunement
-Masters Archangelic Initiation
-Understanding of the Soul Family as introduced in the Healing with the Divine Presence
-History, information and discussion on the use of the Eye Healing
-Internationally recognized Angelic Reiki level 3 & 4 Master certificate and manual