Hi everyone! 🌟 Today, I want to share some guidance on choosing, cleansing, activating, and working with crystals. Whether you're new to crystals or have been using them for years, I hope these tips help you connect with their energy in a meaningful way.
During a significant phase of my healing journey, I worked in a crystal store with a psychic medium. That experience deepened my understanding of crystals, and now I’d love to pass on what I learned in a practical way. Let’s dive in!
How to Choose Your Crystals
The best way to choose a crystal is to trust your intuition. Often, it’s as simple as thinking: “I love this blue crystal—it’s so pretty!” Many people don’t realize this instinct is their intuition guiding them.
To help clients understand this, I kept a pocket-sized crystal book at the desk. After they picked a crystal, I’d look up its meaning and show them how it aligned with their current life situation. Every single time, the meaning resonated perfectly!
I even had a skeptical client laugh at the idea, only to later become one of our most loyal customers.
This story is a reminder that choosing crystals isn’t complicated—we’re always connected to our soul’s needs. For example, if you’re drawn to yellow crystals, it might indicate you’re stepping into your personal power. (But more on that in another blog post!)
How to Cleanse Your Crystals
Once you’ve chosen your crystals, it’s important to cleanse them to clear any stagnant or lingering energy. Here are two safe and effective methods:
1. Using White Sage
Light a smudge stick in a fireproof dish, and pass your crystal through the smoke. This method is quick, powerful, and works for all crystals.
⚠️ A note about water cleansing: Avoid cleansing crystals in water or at the beach, as many—like selenite or Angelite—are easily damaged by moisture. The two methods I recommend here are the safest and help keep your crystals in perfect condition.
2. Using Selenite
Place your crystals in a selenite bowl or on a selenite slab overnight. Selenite is a unique crystal known for its self-cleansing and purifying energy. It doesn’t need to be cleansed and can also be used to refresh the energy of your home.
If you feel your home’s energy is stagnant, selenite towers are a wonderful addition. For crystals specifically, a selenite bowl is a simple and effective tool. I often use this method when I’m tired, and it works beautifully.
How to Charge Your Crystals
One of my favorite ways to charge crystals is under the full moon. This method not only charges but also cleanses their energy!
To do this, place your crystals (and even your tarot or oracle cards) on a windowsill where the full moonlight can reach them. However, avoid doing this during an eclipse, as the energy during these times can be chaotic.
Some people collect their crystals before sunrise, especially if the crystals are sensitive to sunlight. Crystals like amethyst and rose quartz can fade if exposed to direct sunlight too often, so keep this in mind. After all, these beautiful stones form in darkness and prefer softer light.
How often should you cleanse and charge your crystals?
Cleanse them after every use, especially if used during meditation or healing work.
Charge them about once a month during the full moon.
How to Activate Your Crystals
Activating your crystal allows you to align its energy with your intention. Here’s how to do it:
Hold the crystal between your hands, near your heart if you like.
Ask your spirit team (aligned with 100% light and love) to attune the crystal’s frequency to your highest good and the highest good of all involved.
Take a few deep breaths, focusing on the connection between your energy and the crystal’s.
At this time, you can set an intention. For example, if you’re using a crystal for protection, ask your angels to bless it as an amulet of safety and shielding.
Ways to Work with Your Crystals
Here are a few of my favorite ways to incorporate crystals into your daily life:
Under your pillow: Place a crystal under your pillow to support your dreams and energy. Be mindful that crystals with psychic properties, like sodalite, may intensify spiritual experiences or dreams.
During meditation: Hold a crystal or place it on your heart to deepen your meditation practice.
With energy healing: During Angelic Reiki or other healing sessions, hold the crystal or place it on your body. It will absorb and attune to the healing energy.
I hope you found all of this helpful! Please feel free to let me know if there are any other specific topics you’d like me to share, such as different shapes of crystals and their uses. 😊 It’s truly an honor to share what I know with this beautiful community, and I’m so grateful for all of you.
Sending you all lots of love and light! 💖
