Hello everyone!
Today, I want to share some insights about connecting with your Angels. It always surprises me when I hear people say they only call on their Angels for life-and-death situations or major concerns as a last resort. Here's the truth: we all have a team of spirit guides and Angels who are eager to help us—not just in big moments but in the small ones too.
Angels Respect Free Will
One thing to remember is that angels won’t interfere with our free will. This means we need to ask for their help. However, this doesn’t mean they’ll take over our lives or make things magically appear (though miracles do happen!). Most of the time, when we ask for their assistance, they orchestrate perfect situations to bring us closer to what we need.
For example, if you ask for help overcoming a fear, your Angels may bring opportunities where you face your fear directly—but always in a way that feels supported and safe.
Ask for Their Guidance in Everyday Life
Here’s a simple tip I often share with my clients, and the results are incredible: ask your Angels to make your life easier.
For instance, when I have a doctor’s appointment, I ask my Angels to guide the doctor and the consultation. If the doctor isn’t aligned with my highest good, I ask them to create a situation where the appointment gets canceled. It’s amazing how often this has worked!
Even when going to the dentist, you can ask your Angels for guidance and support. I learned this the hard way recently—I forgot to ask for help during one visit, and it was quite painful. The next time, I remembered to ask, and it was completely painless!
Test Your Angels
If you’re feeling skeptical, try this: put your Angels to the test. They love it when you do! You can say something like, “I don’t fully believe you can help me. Strengthen my faith—show me otherwise.” You might be amazed at how they reveal themselves to you.
If you feel stuck despite asking for their help, try this:
Ask for wisdom.
Request clarity about what you need to learn or heal in your current situation.
You’ll likely start noticing signs or feelings that guide you toward your next steps.
You Are Never Alone
The most beautiful thing about working with your Angels is that they will always act in your highest good and for the good of all involved. They will never harm you or anyone else.
You don’t have to take my word for it—try it for yourself! Start small, ask for their assistance, and watch the magic unfold.
I hope this post helps you feel closer to your Angels. Remember, you are never alone. 💖
With love and light,
